We use industry leading technology to segment, enhance and analyse your data allowing the team from FCCM to maximise the effectiveness of your campaigns.
Our correct addressing software and expertise in finding lateral solutions to your data, enables us to maximise your return on investment and take full advantage of all possible postal discounts.
As well as being a multichannel communication tool, our software also offers plenty of data solutions for business including SMS messaging, email campaigns and digital membership cards, with opportunities to seamlessly link services together to create a unique experience for your customers.
Our services include:
- SMS and MMS messaging
- Digital membership cards
- Email campaigns
- Data cleansing and segmentation
- Variable data printing
- Postal data optimisation
Your data is valuable, using technology and digital solutions can help to ensure your business can leverage its data to gain advantage and enhance your marketing.
At First Class Consulting & Mailing we value the privacy and security of your customers, and as such have a Privacy policy in place based on the Australian Privacy Principles. We use secure transmission channels and password protection, and do not store any sensitive information. Personal information used is securely stored in the short term and destroyed after a reasonable period.
To find out more about the comprehensive data solutions we offer, read our blog How to compete in a business world where data is everything by clicking here: https://www.fccm.com.au/news/general/data-solutions-for-your-business